people from the province of novara 뜻
- 노바라도 출신
- people: noun, 국민, 민족 모두, 인민, 가족,
- from: prep, ...에서 ...부터,
- province: noun, 주, 성, (수도, 주요 도시
- province of novara: 노바라도 노바라도
- novara: 이태리; 이탈리아
- municipalities of the province of novara: 노바라도의 코무네
- people from adana province: 아다나주 출신
- people from aki province: 아키국 사람
- people from algiers province: 알제주 출신
- people from ankara province: 앙카라주 출신
- people from antwerp (province): 안트베르펜주 출신
- people from aurora (province): 아우로라주 출신
- people from ba province: 바주 출신
- people from baghdad province: 바그다드주 출신
- people from barahona province: 바라오나주 출신
기타 단어
- "people from the province of matera" 뜻
- "people from the province of milan" 뜻
- "people from the province of modena" 뜻
- "people from the province of málaga" 뜻
- "people from the province of naples" 뜻
- "people from the province of nuoro" 뜻
- "people from the province of oristano" 뜻
- "people from the province of padua" 뜻
- "people from the province of palencia" 뜻
- "people from the province of málaga" 뜻
- "people from the province of naples" 뜻
- "people from the province of nuoro" 뜻
- "people from the province of oristano" 뜻